AIW Painting Challenge Month Three – WinnerDave’s Jordanians

Hey all,

What a great feeling to get this painting challenge done.  There’s been times it has felt like a challenge and I’ve been painting when I didn’t really feel like it or I’ve been painting somethign when I’d prefer to be painting something else…

This month’s challenge was to get my remain units done, 4 rocket jeeps and 2 AA spgs.  The jeeps were really fun to paint.

The AA guns are really quite detailed and edge highlighting alone took an age.  I did get sloppy with the panel lining and I had to reprimand myself for letting standards slip.

as you can see I took the challenge one step further and decided to make a display board to make the photos more interesting.  This was great fun, I made the mistake of buying balsa wood that’s far too thin…lesson learned.

Well, that’s it…I have another army to add to my collection…fantastic, time to get them into action.

thanks for stopping by


7 thoughts on “AIW Painting Challenge Month Three – WinnerDave’s Jordanians

  1. Very nice skills on show all round, any chance of a blog post on the construction of the display board the whole scene looks fantastic, look forward to seeing some AARs

  2. They look fantastic. I really like the display board too.

    The jeep crew look great. It looks like your skin has a bit more contrast than usual. It looks really good. These are the best looking aiw models I've seen. Great work!

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