Road to Rome: Italy Games Day 25th April 202224th April 2022Mark Goddard Gameshub is a major FOW stockist in Edinburgh and a regular host of a range of one-day FOW events. Drawing between 10-14 players, [...]
Corrivalry 2022 – an AAR 13th April 202213th April 2022martin turner 2 Intro image quote – Daniel Gibson former Basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers Today I’m writing about my recent trip to Battlefield Hobbies [...]
Ghost Hunting! 6th April 202231st March 2022martin turner 2 Today Martin brings us a MW AAR from the Eastern Front featuring Panzer Regiment 11, based on when they took to the Steppes as part [...]
Debriefing on the Red Wall on the Emerald isle. 30th March 202230th March 2022Soren Petersen 11 Back home in Iceland, after a wonderful trip to Northern Ireland, it’s time to evaluate the list I presented in my previous article, [...]
Is Bravery Enough? 26th January 202226th January 2022martin turner Today Martin brings us a MW AAR. I have recently been playing some games with my regular gaming partner and his Romanian Rifle [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 66 – The one where we compile problems… 15th January 202213th January 2022Lee 2 Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot to talk about what they have been up to in “Faces, [...]
To The Finnish – Finishing 1st 8th December 202114th December 2021martin turner 1 Well rather than covering painting or modelling this article, along with Duncan, Fez, Mark and Soren, I have actually played some games of [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 61 – The one where we fixate on Shermans 11th November 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 22 – “6pdr? Best AT Gun of the war!” 27th October 202126th October 2021Lee August had seen a surge of units for the British but I was conscious that there were still more guns and carriers to [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 57 – The one where we hit five days of nonsense! 10th September 202110th September 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our [...]