Big Barn Bash Round Robbin AAR or BBBRRAAR 11th August 202110th August 2021Lee 2 Over lockdown, Mike Everest reached out about holding a big game in the barn. This event was a big success and got Mike [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 56 – The one where we played a podcast event without realising it 6th August 20216th August 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our [...]
Experiments in Panzers 4th August 2021Lee 9 When Mike voiced the idea of a small “round robin” style event, I knew that I’d end up having to play axis to [...]
Yes! We have actually played a game! 2nd August 202128th July 2021martin turner 2 79th Armoured Division vs. 352nd Infantry Division Welcome to the first AAR either I or Duncan have done in ages! We finally managed [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 54 – The one where we are Hungry for Mid-War 7th July 20217th July 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our [...]
Vanguard: US vs Germans 19th April 202118th April 2021Mark Goddard 3 As we discussed a few weeks ago in our article here, Battlefront have released a new Missions pack. While not included in its [...]
Battle Report: The (NOT) Las Vegas Open 2021 1st February 202130th January 2021Mark Goddard Today Alex brings us news from a local 105pt Team Yankee tornie on his side of the pond. Greetings ladz! Once again I [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 34 – The one where we have played some more games! 15th September 20202nd November 2020Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot to talk about what they have been painting in “Faces, Bases [...]
The Cromwell’s Charge 14th September 202014th September 2020Mark Goddard 3 “In a daring and energetically led attack along the west flank of the army, the division [Das Reich] has destroyed a considerable enemy [...]
Fighting the Beast 1st June 202031st May 2020Soren Petersen 6 After Mark gave us his thoughts on fielding the IS-2 in Flames of War, new writer Søren Peterson gives his ideas on facing [...]