Corrivalry 2017 16th February 201713th February 2017Mark Goddard 3 The largest tournament in the UK (maybe Europe?) was held the weekend before last and Mark was on hand to test out his [...]
AAR – British Honey Squadron vs German SchutzenKompanie 14th February 201710th February 2017Lee 2 Having had to downsize the Dak! Dak! Go! Tournament this year due to changes in the Dice Saloon game area, Nathan and I [...]
Team Yankee – Brit Armour Batrep 27th January 20171st February 2017Mark Goddard 2 Today we have a quick photo based Batrep from Mark with his new British Army for Team Yankee. I have been waiting to [...]
Teenie, Tiny Team Yankee II – Getting into SHAPE. 23rd January 201718th January 2017Duncan Gosling 2 Today, after theorising about the small world of 6mm Team Yankee Duncan looks at the getting his game face on and kicking the [...]