T34 obr 1940 Commission

Hello chaps

This week I managed to get a second commission finished in time for BA3, where I will be able to hand them over to my client.

Even though all I seem to paint now a days is 4BO green I really looked forward to painting these fellas.  I find my painting style and techniques I want to use change and alter every time I sit down to paint and painting T34s is no exception.  Problem is, I want my existing army to look as coherent as possible, so I try not to change my style.  So a commission of 3 T34s gave me the opportunity to explore some alteration in my technique.

First off, I want to get the overall effect lighter, much lighter.  I dislike seeing the hordes of overly dark miniatures you see adorning our tables…keep it light people.  For this I had no desire to change the paints I use, but to incorporate a greater degree of the lighter colours and also to stop being so heavy handed with the filters and black lining.  Also I felt I wanted to incorporate edge highlighting, which leads to a lighter overall finish.

Secondly I wanted to achieve a cleaner finish.  So often I find my finish is quite messy, and I end up looking at other painter’s (Reuben, Cameron, Juha) results and I want to emulate that finish.

Thirdly, I wanted to ditch the sponge chipping technique and use my paintbrush, which involves painting the highlight colour first and then the grey/brown colour.  I really like the outcome of this effect, I  will improve as I do it more, but for a first stab I’m happy.

I hope my client likes them, if not I’d happily buy them off him.
Till next time
p.s. It’s lose, not loose.

4 thoughts on “T34 obr 1940 Commission

  1. They look very nice. The painting does look very neat. How many airbrush highlight layers did you do? I have some kv1s going up on Tuesday. I'd be interested to see what you think.

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