Paul reports back from the Australian Fighting First launch
The new Patton’s Fighting First box set
The Sunday before last was Father’s Day in Australia. Despite having family coming for lunch, I nicked out for a few hours to my local game store for the Fighting First Launch Day. Mega Games is located in Penrith, in Sydney’s Western suburbs. The Panzer Angriff club meets twice a month at the store and run a tournament called Sabre each March.

Fighting First is the latest Battlefront offering and covers American MW forces in the desert. For more information about the book, check out Mark’s article. I am personally pretty excited to try out some of the new lists. MW American Rifles were my first army and I am looking forward to playing a few games with the new lists. One of the criticisms leveled at the earlier British and German lists was that they didn’t provide a sufficient level of depth with some of the previous favourite troops not represented (For example Pak40s, Diannes, Shermans). The same cannot be said for Fighting first. There are several armoured lists, both Armoured and foot-slogging Rifles, plus a first for MW – A Tank Destroyer list.

One of the many US armies preparing for battle
The Mega Games store and the Panzer Angriff club hosted the day. Several tables were setup with some lovely, new desert terrain. All three current MW desert nations were present in the games played during the day. The players were mainly locals keen to try the new USA lists, however Ken and Christian from Canberra did make time between their busy ballet commitments to drop by and pick up some models. Players seemed to be enjoying the new V4 MW desert games.

Despite some reported supply issues, Mega Games managed to have a healthy stock of not only German and British boxes but also the new USA Patton’s Fighting First box set and the new Fighting Force source book. Being Father’s Day, I picked up a few presents for myself!

I can report that there was a very positive buzz at the club. Players seemed excited about version 4 and I heard more than a few comments about new desert lists armies being planned.

Unfortunately I didn’t have time to play but it was great to drop by, pick up a few boxes and watch the beginnings of a few games.

I hope you enjoyed this article.