*AKA three is still a magic number
Back in January, I wrote an article that went over my three perfect projects for 2021 and how I was planning to tackle them. Somehow, it is now December – I have no idea how! – and I thought I should circle back and look at the highs and lows of those challenges before 2021 slips away and we enter 2022. So, join me in the nostalgia rich start to the year and let’s see how, the royal, we got on.

Once again this year has been a monster in getting stuff off the Pile of Shame and painted ready for use in actual games (I’m sure we all remember back in the day, before the Global B***ard playing games). I managed to crank out 572 teams in 10 months before hitting the proverbial wall and taking a break for the majority of November and December.
This issue is that only 46% of that total is stuff that I actually planned to paint this year but does it mean that I managed to miss the 3 things I was trying to get done?
#1 – Team Yankee Iranians
In the traditional “poop sandwich” method of delivering bad news, you have to start with a positive so let’s look at the Iranians.
Everything scheduled for 2021 has been achieved and a lovely little BM-21 conversion also made it into the mix too.
That is not to say that the Iranians are complete, no, no, no there are far too many Basij that still need to joing the swell of troops but I now have a functional army with pleanty of options.
So, the targetfor 2021 for the Team Yank Iranians was:
- T-62 Company – 10 x T-62s
- Chieftain Company – 10 x Cheiftains
- Finish my Mech Infantry Company – 2 x M150 TOWs, 3 x M113 M125 Mortars, 3 x M60, my 3rd Mechanised Platoon and 5 x M113.
- A full company of Basij to allow me to field a Battalion
- 8 x Cobra gunships
- 3 x M109 self-propelled artillery.
And I managed to achieve the following:
Scheduled | Unit | Detail | Type | Quanitity |
No | MLRS | BM-21 | Softskin | 3 |
No | AA Platoon | Shilkas | AFV | 4 |
Yes | Anti-Tank Jeep Group | Recoiless Jeeps | Softskin | 6 |
Yes | Anti-Tank Platoon | M150 TOWs | AFV | 2 |
Yes | Anti-Tank Platoon | Tow Jeeps | Softskin | 4 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | AKM assault rifle team | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | RPG-7 team | Infantry | 4 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | AKM assault rifle team | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | RPG-7 team | Infantry | 4 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | AKM assault rifle team | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | RPG-7 team | Infantry | 4 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | AKM assault rifle team | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Basij Infantry Company | RPG-7 team | Infantry | 4 |
Yes | BMP-1 Platoon | BMP-1 | AFV | 5 |
Yes | Chieftain HQ | Chieftains | Tank | 1 |
Yes | Chieftain Platoon | Chieftains | Tank | 3 |
Yes | Chieftain Platoon | Chieftains | Tank | 3 |
Yes | Chieftain Platoon | Chieftains | Tank | 3 |
Yes | Cobra Gunship Flight | Cobras | Aircraft | 2 |
Yes | Cobra Gunship Flight | Cobras | Aircraft | 2 |
Yes | Cobra Gunship Flight | Cobras | Aircraft | 2 |
Yes | Cobra Gunship Flight | Cobras | Aircraft | 2 |
Yes | Mortar Platoon | M106 | AFV | 3 |
No | Iranian Mech Platoon | 4 x G3, 3 x RPG-7, 1 x Gremlin, 1 x Dragon | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Self Propelled Artillery Platoon | M109 | AFV | 3 |
Yes | T-62 HQ | T-62 | Tank | 1 |
Yes | T-62 Platoon | T-62 | Tank | 3 |
Yes | T-62 Platoon | T-62 | Tank | 3 |
Yes | T-62 Platoon | T-62 | Tank | 3 |
All in all and excellent start I think you will agree.
#2 – Flames of War British (D-Day)
Next up was the imfamous Keith Flint D-Day British Urban Assualt Army. This army was one that I absolutely loved, being born out of the insanity of an army challenege on the podcast and never going away in my brain.
I cheated here. Completely cheated. I went to Hoist the Colours miniature painitng service on Facebook and I said to Stuart: “Can you paint these for me so I can use them at Warfare if I want to?”. Whilst I can take no credit in the painting of this fantastic army, I can for the modelling.

Creating custom bases was something that I had never done before but I completely would again. I think that is what intimidated me in the end, that and speed, to not put paint to brush on these. The notion that I had spent so long creating something that I was so happy with only for me to get disenchanted or tired and not give it the finisht that it deserved frightened me a little. So even though I outsourced the finish to this army what did I have on the agenda for 2021 for it:
- 4 x 17pdr gun
- 4 x 25pdr gun
- 2 x 2-inch mortar team
- 4 x 6pdr gun
- 3 x Bofors 40mm AA gun
- 12 x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle team
- 3 x Crocodile (75mm & Flame-thrower)
- 4 x MMG Carrier (Vickers)
- 2 x PIAT anti-tank team
- 2 x Sten SMG team
- 6 x Universal Carrier (MG)
- 6 x Wasp (Flame-thrower)
And as you would expect – all of this and more was achieved:
Scheduled | Unit | Detail | Type | Quanitity |
Yes | 17pdr Gun Platoons | 17pdrs | Gun Team | 4 |
Yes | 25pdr Gun Battery | 25pdrs | Gun Team | 4 |
Yes | 25pdr Gun Battery | 25pdrs | Gun Team | 4 |
Yes | 6pdr Gun Platoon | 6pdrs | Gun Team | 4 |
Yes | Bofors 40mm AA Platoon | Bofors 40mm AA gun | Gun Team | 3 |
Yes | Carrier Platoon | Universal Carrier (MG) | AFV | 3 |
Yes | Carrier Platoon | Universal Carrier (MG) | AFV | 3 |
Yes | Crocodile Platoon | Crocodile (75mm & Flame-thrower) | Tank | 3 |
Yes | HMG Platoon | MMG Carrier (Vickers) | AFV | 4 |
Yes | Rifle Company HQ | Sten SMG team | Infantry | 2 |
Yes | Rifle Platoon | Bren Gun & SMLE rifle teams, 2-inch mortars and PIAT | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Rifle Platoon | Bren Gun & SMLE rifle teams, 2-inch mortars and PIAT | Infantry | 9 |
Yes | Rifle Platoon | Bren Gun & SMLE rifle teams, 2-inch mortars and PIAT | Infantry | 7 |
No | 3″ Mortar Platoon | 3″ Mortars | Gun Team | 6 |
Yes | Wasp Platoon | Wasp (Flame-thrower) | AFV | 3 |
Yes | Wasp Platoon | Wasp (Flame-thrower) | AFV | 3 |
No | Guards Sherman HQ | Shermans | Tank | 2 |
No | Guards Sherman Platoon | 3 x Shermans, 1 x Firefly | Tank | 4 |
No | Guards Sherman Platoon | 3 x Shermans, 1 x Firefly | Tank | 4 |
No | Guard AA Platoon | 2 x Crusader AA | AFV | 2 |
No | Achilles AT Platoon | M10C Achilles | AFV | 4 |
So, that was the filling of our tasty, tasty sandwich and that just leaves one last entry now…
#3 – Winterised Soviets
Inspired by the image at the bottom I have always wanted to do a Soviet army that is advancing to crush the Germans in the depths of winter and this year I decided to make that aspiration a reality.
This WANT led directly to my downfall at Warfare but has left me with a significant Late War and Mid-War Soviet force.
I think I have perfected the way that I am now creating my winter effect white-wash camoflage and I am very happy with the results. However, this has not been the quickest army to paint and therefore I don’t think I have reached the challening targets that I had set myself.
So, what did I have as my targets? Well, most of them were around the Churchills which I have managed to knock out but the other Mid-War objectives were less successful. Back in January I was set on a course to complete the following:
- 15 x Lend-lease Churchills
- 10 x IS-2
- 4 x SU-122
- 3 x KV-1 (I think I might do there as KV-8… I know, I know…)
- 3 x T-34/85
- 4 x 76mm guns
- 4 x 45mm guns
And this is what I have completed. I’ve not done anything on the IS-2 tank formation but I did build the KVs as KV-8 tanks and pulled myself into a T-34/85 shaped hole to get the Forward Company ready for Warfare and the ISU-122s before that. The SMG troops were nowhere near the target for the year and yet two Hero Companies have been completed.
Scheduled | Unit | Detail | Type | Quanitity |
Yes | Hero SMG Company | 1 x Kommissar, 7 x SMG | Infantry | 8 |
Yes | Hero SMG Company | 1 x Kommissar, 7 x SMG | Infantry | 8 |
Yes | IS-85 Platoon | IS-85 | Tank | 5 |
Yes | IS-2 HQ | IS-2 | Tank | 1 |
Yes | ISU-122 Platoon | ISU-122 | AFV | 3 |
Yes | ISU-122 Platoon | ISU-122 | AFV | 3 |
Yes | ISU-122 Platoon | ISU-122 | AFV | 4 |
Yes | ISU-152 Platoon | ISU-152 | AFV | 4 |
Yes | KV-8 Platoon | KV-8 | Tank | 3 |
Yes | SU-100 Tank Killer Platoon | SU-100 | AFV | 5 |
No | SU-76 Company HQ | T-70 | Tank | 1 |
Yes | SU-76 Battery | SU-76 | AFV | 5 |
Yes | SU-76 Battery | SU-76 | AFV | 5 |
Yes | T-34/85 Platoon | T-34/85 | Tank | 4 |
Yes | T-34/85 Platoon | T-34/85 | Tank | 4 |
No | T-70 Company | T-70 | Tank | 5 |
Yes | T-70 HQ | T-70 | Tank | 1 |
No | 82mm Mortar Company | 82mm Mortars | Gun Team | 6 |
No | ZSU-17 | ZSU-17 | AFV | 3 |
Yes | Churchill HQ | Churchills | Tank | 1 |
Yes | Churchill Platoon | Churchills | Tank | 5 |
Yes | Churchill Platoon | Churchills | Tank | 5 |
Yes | Churchill Platoon | Churchills | Tank | 4 |
Yes | Valentine Platoon | Valentines | Tank | 5 |
Well, that was my perfect three projects for 2021, a good one, a cheated one and one that was all over the place! I’ll be back soon with a cup of single-origin, cold brew flat white artisan coffee with more thoughts from the hipster’s beard.
– Dunc