Its time for another episode of Shoot and Scoot as Duncan, Eddie and Lee sit down to discuss Flames of Fez, Ccccoooommmmeeeetttttssssss, the negative impact of Christmas on hobby time, as well as present our new “A versus B” feature and answer our listener’s questions.
You can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below.
00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:10 – Tonight’s show contents
00:01:50 – Duncan’s hobby’s going ons: Fate of a Nation and Mid War games at Dice Saloon versus Lee and the infamous Christmas Holiday hobby stall.
00:06:46 – Fez covers hobby-lanche precautions and preparing his Comets before switching to…
00:18:00 – Flames of Fez! How the tornie went from Fez’s TO perspective…
00:34:00 – and how it went from Lee’s perspective as a player.
00:48:50 – our new feature “A versus B“. Duncan explains the rules as we look at Afrika Korps vs Armoured Fist. Lee starts off with the case for “Armoured Fist”…
00:55:20 – Fez make’s the counter case for Afrika Korps and why we need to accept its limitations
00:58:00 – Lee and Duncan decide to put together a new unified “Afrika” force chart
01:02:29 – Duncan eventually agrees with Lee! A shock move from the 90th Leichte stalwart.
1:05:30 – This week’s Flat Panzer Fact
1:06:00 – Reader’s Whine’s – we kick off with an apology for the massacring of names that will follow…
1:06:44 – Steven Breughe – “What kind of content do you guys expect for the closing publications of midwar v4 : the parabook and the minor nations”
1:12:00 – Simon Pearson’s three questions on TY artillery ranging, the impact of “non-historical” units on TY player numbers, and what can be done about tank car parks
1:25:00 – Lucas Helaine-Watson “Do you think the shorter ranges of Soviet guns in V4 forces an aggressive/manoeuvre play style even when defending?”
1:27:00 – Chris Evans – “What forces are they looking forward to with the upcoming ‘Oil Wars’?”
1:32:00 – Eddie Cee – “Should infantry and missile team saves be 4+?”
1:34:45 – Adam Cox’s (and William White’s very similar question) – “Should FoW be about historical accuracy or allowing gamers to have ‘what if’ forces? Are these mutually exclusive? And are how do you reconcile this in a world populated by Grey Diana’s and Grey Ferdinands”
1:40:30 – Nathaniel Duncan – “In your guys opinion Is it worth getting into the team yankee tournament scene this year or would it be better to wait for next year with version 2 of the rules?”
1:43:00 – Coming Up! We cover upcoming FoW events and put a shout out to Normandy Miniatures new kick starter.
1:48:00 – Shoot and Scoot – the chaps close off with the customary rolling of the dice.
1:49:52 – secret bonus post-credit’s track…
Enjoy and always feel free to leave us reviews and comments!
Until net time!
did you guys end up making the unified force organization chart for Afrika Korps that was discussed? Would be keen to see!
Its WiP at the moment. Duncan is away on his hols and we’ll try and get it finished this month.