The Where: Guildford Games Club – The Park Barn Centre, Park Barn Drive, GU2 8EN Guildford
The When: Saturday, 11th May, 2019.
Doors open 9am,
Game 1: 10am-12noon
Game 2: 1pm-3pm
Game 3: 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Awards and prizes 5:45pm – 6pm
The What: Mid War flames of War, 100pts from the following books and command cards:
• Afrika Korps
• Iron Cross
• Ghost Panzer (The armoured grenadier formation only)
• Fighting First
• Armoured Fist
• Avanti
In keeping with the spirit of the event when making army lists drawn from Iron Cross and Ghost Panzer please steer away from including anything that did not actually see combat in the North African or Tunisian campaigns; for example Ferdinands, Panthers, KV-1s etc. Support units can only be drawn from Iron Cross or Afrika Corp.
We’ll be playing Red Verses Blue.
Awards for Best Allied/Axis General, Best Painted, Best Historical Force.
Please note the 2 hour time for the games, and bring lists that you know you can complete a game with. Missions will be chosen with the ‘more missions’ and battle stance cards.
The Iron Fez Challenge: Sometimes you collect so much of a force that you can’t decide what to use – if this is you then fear not, for you can take part in the Iron Fez challege:
Bring three lists with different core formations for the same nation and front, and you’ll be told what list you are using at the beginning of each round – yes, they have to be your own painted models, and yes, this is not easy – this is why it’s a challenge!
The Prizes: We have support from Battlefront, so we have a generous prize pool – points awarded throughout the day will win you raffle tickets, with all prizes being raffled off at the end of the day – so even if you just turn up you could walk away with the grand prize!
The Cost: Tickets cost £12 for either Axis or Allied or £10 for ‘Both’. A ‘Both’ ticket means you are willing to bring both an axis and allied army on the day and swap at the request of the Event Organiser. For payment details and to register for the event please email fez@Breakthroughassault.co.uk.
Join the discussion and stay up to date on the facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/257246145218859
Any profit from this event will go to the Guildford Games Club funds.
I look forward to seeing you on the day!
Eddie ‘Fez’ Turner