Hello everyone, today I am going to share how I am quickly getting my urban bases ready for my Volksturm army for the Battle of Berlin. As a bit of background I have 70 bases to paint and because I like a challenge (and I am an idiot!), I have decided to do them all on scenic bases. In this case a mix from Baueda but it will work for any manufacturer.
With this much to paint I want to do a good job but I also need to get them done quickly and in a uniform fashion. Therefore I have been working a conveyor belt system doing a platoon’s worth at a time, in this example for my mortars.
I start with the bases sprayed black. This is important, don’t do them grey as the result will be too light.

Add a heavy drybrush of a medium grey, in this case Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey.
Then do the same with a white, I used Citadel Corax White.
I use a Citadel Contrast paint (Space Wolves Grey) on the base areas avoiding the walls and details.
Citadel Aggaros Dunes is used for the sand bags and Snakebite Brown for wood.
Now we really start to make the bases pop with Vallejo Red Leather over the stonework (avoid the recesses) and Vallejo Stone Grey for any remaining plaster or rendering.

Water down white (a lot!) until its the consistency of skimmed milk and then run it over the walls to make the effect of the brick’s mortar. At this stage I added some metals for the crates and door.
Also mix Vallejo USA Tan-Earth, Dark Sand and Green Ochre (1:1:1) and layer over the sand bags.

The final stage is to dry brush the walls with Vallejo Light Rust.
That’s it nothing complex and super quick and easy.