Faces Bases: Cookie Chip – Ice Cream Flavour or Camo? 5th February 202527th January 2025Lee Comment Lee takes a look at painting US Infantry in Desert Battle Dress Uniform. Desert Battle Dress Uniform is one of those of “signature” [...]
Faces, Bases: Painting AUSCAM 22nd May 20243rd June 2024Lee 3 Listeners to the pod cast will know that I have thrown my principals to the wind and embraced the ANZAC force from WW3: [...]
Building a Gaming Table, Berlin 1945. 24th April 202421st April 2024Soren Petersen 4 Painting models and building lists is only a part of the wonderful wargaming hobby we share. Another aspect is the making of suitable [...]
The Battle for Alfeld: Part 2 – AIR POWER, THE DEVILS CROSS, AND AARDVARKS. 28th February 202416th February 2024Lee 2 Guest writer Mike Everest returns to look at the air element of the Battle of Alfed from Tom Clancey’s Red Storm Rising. Apache [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 100 – The one that requires no subtitle 30th December 2023Lee Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with episode ONE HUNDRED of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast. On a [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 98 – The One Where We Dissolve NATO 27th October 2023Lee Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Berlin or Bust: Painting Urban bases 18th October 202315th October 2023Mark Goddard Hello everyone, today I am going to share how I am quickly getting my urban bases ready for my Volksturm army for the [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 96 – The One Where Duncan Paints More Basij 30th July 2023Lee 1 Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Cocktail Stick, Powder and Paint 24th July 2023Duncan Gosling 2 Last time out we looked at something completely different… well, this time it should be all too familiar as we look at using [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 94 – The one where Mike Everest puts Frontline Terrain’s kids through college 17th June 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]