Panzerankery 26th April 20234th May 2023Andy Thompson It’s been a while since my last article, but have no fear because I am now back, and like a demented racoon going [...]
TANK RANK AXIS ALLIES – PART 3: HUNGARY….. PART 2 28th February 202228th February 2022Andy Thompson And the award for the overly complex title goes to…….. Lighting the Beacons Part 1 of the Axis Allies Hungarian Tank Rank included [...]
TANK RANK AXIS ALLIES – PART 3: HUNGARY 16th February 202216th February 2022Andy Thompson As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Whether bad things come to an end or not is never [...]
TANK RANK AXIS ALLIES – PART 2: ROMANIA 10th November 20219th November 2021Andy Thompson 1 Halloween has been and gone, the clocks have gone back, (a thing we do in Britain to make sure our evenings are extra [...]
Armourfest 2021 – A Tank Rank Special 15th September 202111th September 2021Andy Thompson 3 I have written several Tank Rank articles now in which I rank the various tanks in the various Team Yankee or Flames of [...]
Tank Rank Axis Allies – Part 1: Finland 12th July 20212nd July 2021Andy Thompson 1 Picture the scene: it’s a dark and stormy night, and Lee is sat in his office on the top floor of Breakthrough Assault [...]
WWIII West German: Tank Rank 10th May 20219th May 2021Andy Thompson 4 Time for another Tank Rank, the series of articles where I waffle on about various tanks* in the game and inflate my ego [...]
Bagration German: Tank Rank 15th March 202111th September 2021Andy Thompson 9 You’ve only yourselves to blame! I’ve done a few articles for Breakthrough Assault now that discuss the merits and flaws of the armoured [...]
Tank Rank: Children of the Revolution edition – The Soviet tanks of WW3 22nd February 202111th September 2021Andy Thompson 3 Cry Havoc and unleash the articles about wargaming Recently at Breakthrough HQ, Lee descended from his ivory tower, cracked his whip and demanded [...]
Beast Wars Part 2, or why Lee is wrong 7th October 202011th September 2021Andy Thompson 1 Behold the power of maths Recently Lee published an article on Breakthrough Assault comparing the various models of M1, and deciding which he [...]