Shoot and Scoot Episode 78 – The One Where We Head East, Again 18th August 202218th August 2022Lee Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to talk about [...]
SHOOT AND SCOOT EPISODE 76 – THE ONE WHERE The German Bulge Hasn’t Yet Subised 11th July 202211th July 2022Fez At last, after many technical issues, Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and [...]
To The Finnish – Part 6, A Tank Company 3rd November 20213rd November 2021martin turner In this update I’ll share where I am at on this and a few tips from assembling my Finnish Tank Company models that [...]
Review – S and S models Zvezda URAL truck upgrades 7th August 20197th August 2019Lee 4 “Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare.” Heinz Guderian Logistics, as a rule, don’t tend to factor much in a company [...]
Zvezda beasts and where to find them – KV2 17th January 20187th January 2018Mark Goddard I have always been a fan of the Zvezda 1:100 models. They are cheap and readily available. Yes, there are some compromises on [...]
Three Little Panzers 22nd August 201720th August 2017Mark Goddard 2 ‾Today Paul takes a look at 3 little Panzer (38ts). Once upon a time… Ok now it is just getting silly! I have been [...]
Zvezda Modern Soviets Review 3rd January 20172nd January 2017Richard Hardy Today Rich dives into the world of modern Soviet Zvezda models for use in Team Yankee. Last year, after a couple of exchanges [...]