Building a Gaming Table, Berlin 1945. 24th April 202421st April 2024Soren Petersen 4 Painting models and building lists is only a part of the wonderful wargaming hobby we share. Another aspect is the making of suitable [...]
Micro Art Studios – Normandy Farm 20th March 202419th March 2024Mark Goddard The team at Micro Art Studios recently sent us their latest Pre-Painted building set for us to put together and review. We have [...]
Micro Art Studios 15mm Buildings. 30th August 202327th August 2023Mark Goddard The team at Micro Art Studios recently got in touch to ask if we would like to do a article on their new [...]
I Need 60ft of Bridge! 2nd November 20223rd November 2022Duncan Gosling 3 We welcome guest writer Mike Everest back to the blog with another fabulous entry this time it’s on the infamous crossing of the [...]
Going to Church 2nd May 20221st May 2022Soren Petersen 6 The fighting in Italy, around Monte Cassino, in 1944 have always had my special interest. The stubborn defence by the green devils from [...]
The Ultimate Guide for scenic bases part I. 21st February 202220th February 2022Hawkeye 6 Today we introduce the latest member of our team, Hawkeye! Featured shot – Finnish Pak40 AT guns. (C) Hawkeye As a lesser-known wargaming celebrity [...]
Trains of War! Modelling and gaming with locomotives and trains in Flames of War. 12th January 202211th January 2022Lee 7 Today we bring you a guest article from a friend of the blog and podcast, Mike Everest as he talks about adding Trains [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases for North Africa 23rd August 202115th August 2021Soren Petersen 3 Desert basing with a twist. As you might have figured out by now, I like to put a little extra into my models [...]
BUILDING BIG TERRAIN IN FLAMES OF WAR: Riverside Adventures in 1:100 scale 9th June 202131st May 2021Lee 2 Today, guest writer Mike Everest talks about building big terrain for big tables. This part looks at building a modular river for the [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Quick and Easy Cobblestone Roads 21st April 20218th April 2021Soren Petersen 4 As promised in a previous article I am back with a tutorial on how you can make your own cobblestone roads to add [...]