Faces Bases: Cookie Chip – Ice Cream Flavour or Camo? 5th February 202527th January 2025Lee Comment Lee takes a look at painting US Infantry in Desert Battle Dress Uniform. Desert Battle Dress Uniform is one of those of “signature” [...]
White Cross Over Red Flag : Debriefing ETC (Season 2023-2024) – Part 2 11th September 20247th September 2024Fred Oz Hello there, boys and girls, Fred here, continuing our journey through ETC 2024 debrief.After part 1 detailing a behind the curtain view of the [...]
FOW V5 Gazing – Force Structure 26th June 202430th July 2024Mark Goddard 11 Health Warning: Whilst we at Breakthrough Assault often have knowledge ahead of time of FOW developments, we genuinely have no knowledge on a [...]
The Germans don’t have a word for fluffy – Reviewing the 21st Pz Starter Set. 4th June 20241st June 2024Mark Goddard 3 The Teutonic reputation for brutality is well founded. Their operas last three or four days, and they have no word for “fluffy”. — Captain Blackadder [...]
Faces, Bases: Painting AUSCAM 22nd May 20243rd June 2024Lee 3 Listeners to the pod cast will know that I have thrown my principals to the wind and embraced the ANZAC force from WW3: [...]
Building a Gaming Table, Berlin 1945. 24th April 202421st April 2024Soren Petersen 4 Painting models and building lists is only a part of the wonderful wargaming hobby we share. Another aspect is the making of suitable [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster: 99 Problems but a Beach ‘Aint One 17th January 202414th January 2024Duncan Gosling 1 Hello everyone and welcome to 2024, the year which sees 20 years since the launch of Facebook, 500 years since Vasco de Gama [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster: Task Force “A” – Brittany Speared 13th November 202320th December 2023Duncan Gosling 1 The Origins There were always plans for a portion of the American troops landing in Normandy bridgeheads of the D-Day beachs and to [...]
MW Dynamic Points 2024 – An overview 4th November 20234th November 2023Mark Goddard 4 Wow……that was my first reaction to the new Dynamic Points 24 (DP24) (find them here). What a big and comprehensive set of changes, [...]
Berlin or Bust: Painting Urban bases 18th October 202315th October 2023Mark Goddard Hello everyone, today I am going to share how I am quickly getting my urban bases ready for my Volksturm army for the [...]