WW3:Team Yankee Israeli – Overview 29th January 202529th January 2025Lee 6 Lee takes a look at the new Team Yankee book for the Israeli Defence Force. It’s been a hot minute since we got [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 98 – The One Where We Dissolve NATO 27th October 2023Lee Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Centurions Assemble! Parts and Assembly Guide for the new Centurion kit 25th October 202320th October 2023Lee 2 I recently did an unboxing video for the new Centurion kit from Battlefront and one of the things I noticed was that there [...]
Hail, Centurion! A history of the Centurion Tank 17th July 202310th July 2023Lee 4 The Centurion has made its TY and plastic kit debut, but not its debut to the battlefront family of wargames. In this article [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 22 – “6pdr? Best AT Gun of the war!” 27th October 202126th October 2021Lee August had seen a surge of units for the British but I was conscious that there were still more guns and carriers to [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 58 – The one where we are bulging with excitement. 28th September 2021Fez As BF announce Bulge:Americans for November, Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 57 – The one where we hit five days of nonsense! 10th September 202110th September 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases for North Africa 23rd August 202115th August 2021Soren Petersen 3 Desert basing with a twist. As you might have figured out by now, I like to put a little extra into my models [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 47 – The Fate of a Nation Special 5th April 202113th April 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with a special episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 44 – The one where it will all be over by Christmas 24th February 2021Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot to talk about what they have been up to in “Faces, [...]