REMFS – S&S Models Radio Truck and M31 TRV Conversion Kit review 11th December 202410th December 2024Lee 2 Those who have followed the blog for a while now will no doubt recall the S&S Models do a range of white metal [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 92 – The One Where We Are Commanding School Kids Into Battle 23rd April 202323rd April 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
I Need 60ft of Bridge! 2nd November 20223rd November 2022Duncan Gosling 3 We welcome guest writer Mike Everest back to the blog with another fabulous entry this time it’s on the infamous crossing of the [...]
Panzer Buns – An experiment in revised Mid-War points 9th May 20223rd May 2022martin turner 2 Today I’m looking at something that is viewed by some as much needed and others as complete herasey. Yep today I’m looking at [...]
Going to Church 2nd May 20221st May 2022Soren Petersen 6 The fighting in Italy, around Monte Cassino, in 1944 have always had my special interest. The stubborn defence by the green devils from [...]
Road to Rome: Italy Games Day 25th April 202224th April 2022Mark Goddard Gameshub is a major FOW stockist in Edinburgh and a regular host of a range of one-day FOW events. Drawing between 10-14 players, [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster; Handy Hoch! 24th January 202222nd January 2022Duncan Gosling 1 Back in April 2019, it was a simpler time… and by that, I mean that Mid-War was largely done, the four horsemen of [...]
Trains of War! Modelling and gaming with locomotives and trains in Flames of War. 12th January 202211th January 2022Lee 7 Today we bring you a guest article from a friend of the blog and podcast, Mike Everest as he talks about adding Trains [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases for North Africa 23rd August 202115th August 2021Soren Petersen 3 Desert basing with a twist. As you might have figured out by now, I like to put a little extra into my models [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 19 – Battledress Breakdown 21st July 202119th July 2021Lee I set myself the challenge of painting the whole box in a month and then, because that didn’t seem like a big enough [...]