Faces Bases: Cookie Chip – Ice Cream Flavour or Camo? 5th February 202527th January 2025Lee Comment Lee takes a look at painting US Infantry in Desert Battle Dress Uniform. Desert Battle Dress Uniform is one of those of “signature” [...]
Faces, Bases: Painting AUSCAM 22nd May 20243rd June 2024Lee 3 Listeners to the pod cast will know that I have thrown my principals to the wind and embraced the ANZAC force from WW3: [...]
Building a Gaming Table, Berlin 1945. 24th April 202421st April 2024Soren Petersen 4 Painting models and building lists is only a part of the wonderful wargaming hobby we share. Another aspect is the making of suitable [...]
Hull down! Or how to maximise the Ram/Sexton Kit 23rd August 202327th August 2023Lee Lee takes a look at making the Ram/Sexton kit swappable to maximise the bang for the Canadian buck of the kit. When the [...]
Cocktail Stick, Powder and Paint 24th July 2023Duncan Gosling 2 Last time out we looked at something completely different… well, this time it should be all too familiar as we look at using [...]
I’m the Urban Base-man 31st May 202330th May 2023Duncan Gosling 1 And now for something completely different… well, from me at any rate. With the release of the German-Berlin book, the landscape changed. Not [...]
Huszar! – Building your Stables – Part 1 3rd April 2023martin turner 2 Everybody loves a cavalry figure and today I’m back with the first part of the story of my Hungarian Huszars. In this series [...]
The Ultimate Guide for scenic bases part I. 21st February 202220th February 2022Hawkeye 6 Today we introduce the latest member of our team, Hawkeye! Featured shot – Finnish Pak40 AT guns. (C) Hawkeye As a lesser-known wargaming celebrity [...]
Faces, Bases, Something and Something; White Lines 8th November 20218th November 2021Duncan Gosling With the release of the new Bulge American a couple of people… well one, but I’m taking it, have asked how I paint the [...]
Fases, Bases, Something, Something: Nose Job, Painting P47 Thunderbolts. 20th October 202119th October 2024Soren Petersen 2 The idea In my process of getting my Warfare2021 army painted and ready, I have come to the P-47 Thunderbolts. So how to [...]