Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee (plus whatever catches our interest) podcast to talk about what they have been up to in “Faces, Bases, Something and Something”, welcome our new patrons in “Internet Famous”, discuss their recent games in “News from the Front”, answer your questions in “An Officer answers” and announce upcoming events.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
If you want to show your support for what we do with the podcast, as well as get a discount on our merch store, membership of the patron exclusive discord “Monty’s Meatgrinder”, and access to the latest episode before the great unwashed, then head over to https://www.patreon.com/Shoot_and_Scoot and consider chucking us a £1 a month to fund some better cameras and the like. We’ll even make you “internet famous” when we read out your name on the next episode!
Internet Famous
00:02:00 – We say hello to our two new Patrons. Join us for your chance to be internet famous and chat with us over on Discord.
Faces, Bases, Something, Something
00:04:10 – Duncan has been painting US and USSR!
00:13:40 – Lee has been painting more British
00:24:20 – Eddie has been trying to think what he has painted… and also announces the launch of his new transfer/decal business – Flying Fez Industries!
News From the Front
00:38:50 – We discuss the games we have been playing since the last podcast.
An Officer Answers
00:01:10 – Andrew asks “Any thoughts on using a Parachute Rifle Company vs Armored Rifles in a DDay American list?”
01:18:00 – David asks “Like me are you excited by the new weird war stuff from Clockwork Goblin Minis? As a K47 fan the models are excellent – could work well for fow using modified rules? What do you think?”
01:24:10 – William asks “if BF starts spinning up Early War in the future would you like to see Danish bicycle troops with really weird helmets and motorcycle units with 20mm cannon sidecars (aka from the excellent Danish movie 9.April)?
Totally impractical on BF’s front for a campaign that only lasted a day but really interesting anyways.”
01:27:50 – Craig asks “I saw the 2020 objective marker is being reused for this year’s official BF tournaments. If you could have any objective marker for next year, what would it be? Mine would be the bus from Where Eagles Dare, with Clint Eastwood and Mary Ure firing MP40s out the rear window.”
Lack of Foresight Games asks “Have you folks ever looked at designing a firestorm campaign? What would you think would be important to keep in mind?”
01:33:35 – We talk Salute, Warfare and continue to apply peer pressure on Lee to do Dak Dak Go Forth.
Shoot and Scoot (Plus Hidden Track)
01:35:30 – Its time to shoot and scoot as we use another Dice of War dice. This time its the Austro-Hungraians time to shine.