Today, Duncan looks at the final unit to hit the painting table in the #FateofFourGamers Challenge; the T-62, and looks at painting something other than just dark yellow… Hurrah!
Painting the Egyptians has, at times, been a bit of a slog. Sorry to start on a negative but that much sandy yellow after painting a tonne of dunkelgelb for my Germans was a mental challenge; not in the same league as Fez but a challenge never the less. So I started to Google around a bit looking for some inspiration for my armoured vehicles to see if there were alternative colour schemes or something to break up the palette a little.
It turns out that the Egyptians used camouflage – who knew?!

This was the image that really caught my eye – Mig Jimenez is a fantastic painter to boot – and I thought maybe I could use this as my muse to create something different for my Egyptian T-62s.
I’ve brush painted camo before on my Germans and the first decision is whether to create a feather edged, or worn, or a rounded camo pattern. My weapon of choice for the rounded camo is to use a cotton bud (I think they are called cue tips in America) to splodge the initial application on. As this is a
The main way that I painted these models is not radically different to that way that I painted my IS-3 tanks here so I won’t go into the basics in as

I rummaged through my paint brushes to find

You don’t have to be too neat or tidy at this stage just get your camo colour in the right areas. When you are stippling try and insure that the edges are fuzzy by applying the paint to the centre of the area and working outwards.

Next apply a pin wash of GW Seraphim Sepia over the seems of panels, the track wheels etc. don’t differentiate where the camo pattern and base colour are make sure you line the model regardless.

Once the wash is dry – and I mean completely dry – begin to build up the base colour again by dry brushing over the areas that you have washed with the same colour; in this case GW Zandri Dust. Don’t go over the main areas of camo but do make sure that you dry brush up to and over the edge. In the image above look at the second tank turret from the right to see how you can create a transition from one colour to the other.

Next carefully highlight the model with a light sand colour – I used GW Terminus Stone – and this time only go over the very tops of any contours to create a real stark highlight. This can be done over the camo colour to accentuate the effect of wear and tear.

Paint the tracks Vallejo Black and any machine guns etc. and then once that is completely dry then dry brush Vallejo Black Grey over these areas. When I am doing this stage I also like to use the dry brush to add areas of scuffing where the paint has been worn completely away.

Other details, like the IR searchlight, can then be added. I painted mine
Vallejo Black Grey then added the 2 spots of GW Astronomicon Grey and washed that over with Secret Weapon Soft Black wash to create some depth and texture on the lens.

And there are the final beasts ready to move out and occupy the Sinai and ready to take on Lee’s Magrach-6s soon.
Yo Duncan,
The tracks should be painted steel and weathered with a dirty brown wash and the raised portions highlighted with steel to represent operation in the abrasive desert environment . Check out Google Images for examples of Egyptian tanks in the desert.
Thanks, Jack I might hit the tracks with a light drybrush of silver then (I don’t usually go up to silver) but thanks for letting me know.
– Dunc
Question, do you paint your tracks pieces black and then go back and paint the road wheels, etc.. the primary color?
Trying to figure the easiest way to paint the tracks and road wheels.