Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot! We talk about our top 5 WW2 tanks, our painting competition and the last few games we got in before the lock-down came down.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
Top 5 WW2 Tanks
00:02:10 -We start the discussion by arguing about what is a tank.

00:04:15 – An aside: Toilet Roll news and hobby stockpiling
00:05:30 – No.5:
00:09:02 – No.4: Fez bucks the rules, Lee doesn’t understand the meaning of “nadir”
00:15:50 – No.3: Duncan ponders if Italian tanks actually are tanks.
00:22:00 – No.2: A surprise French addition.
00:28:20 – No.1: Spoilers, Fez doesn’t fail to be predictable…
BTA20 – Painting Competition
00:37:30 – we talk about our lock-down painting competition, what we are currently painting in our lock down state, Halford primers and contrast paints.
00:52:00 – we talk about what is next on the painting table
What have we been up to
00:56:00 – We talk about our 50pt Team yankee games; first Lee’s Recce Squadron game vs Fez’s Poles.
01:04:00 – We talk about Duncan’s turn as his Czechs took on the Brits
01:10:00 – We talk about virus based store closures as Dice Saloon closes its doors early ahead of moving to a new venue (once the pestilence lifts)
Team Yankee News
01:12:00 – We talk about the US TY spoilers (courtesy of Jerome Wong’s lucky M113 purchase) including a new mystery tank for the 9th “Hi-tech” Mechanised Division
An Officer Answers
01:21:00 – We answer our listener’s questions (including our new favourite, Mike Everest’s “vs”question at 01:47:00)
Shoot and Scoot

Herman Goering Fallschirm Panzer Divison
A tank has to be able to fire it main weapon when moving so a Stug or an S Type are not