Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot! We talk about our top 5 AFV, our painting competition, what has been on our painting tables and answer your questions.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below. We are also now on Spotify and also Youtube, with an image augmented version of the podcast.
What we have been painting
00:02:45 – Lee berates his inability to maintain an airbrush. Plus congrats to Coxer and his new arrival!
00:04:45 – Fez talks about getting deep into Citadel Contrast paints, plus his Polish airborne quandary for Team Yankee
00:11:35 – Duncan talks about his basing efforts, going Dutch and the high pounds/point ratio of the BTR-60
Top 5 Armoured Fighting Vehicles
00:19:00 – we set the rules of engagement for the discussion.
00:20:30 – No.5! Lee goes big, early, Duncan brings religion into it and Eddie goes scout.
00:23:45 – No.4! Lee goes big game hunting, Duncan goes for a sporty compact and Eddie keeps it universal.
00:28:25 – No.3! Lee goes for big recce, Duncan plays the Italian card and Eddie brings in the wind.
00:31:45 – No.2! Lee goes to hell, Duncan fancies a breath of fresh air and Eddie goes for an absolute unit of an assault gun.
00:36:00 – No.1! Lee goes for the definitive assault gun, Duncan goes flat and Eddie goes long.
00:41:45 – We talk about what the next episode’s top 5 will be.
Breakthrough Assault Painting Contest
00:44:15 – We talk about our painting contest and our favourite entrants. The first one has finished with Petter Therén’s awesome 88s being the winner. A new one will be coming soon.

An Officer’s Answers
00:51:00 – Timothy Anderson asks “Why did the Brits stop painting camo in normandy. Look at the greys tanks in Italy, then they go to Normandy and don’t bother, even though apparently the paint was available?”
00:54:15 – Vincent Jfm asks “How many AT 14 do you consider to be the absolute minimum when building à british list? Can the Typhoon be a good alternative?”
00:56:10 – Geoffery Hill asks “Could you discuss tactics for using transport attachments for mechanized infantry. The vehicles seem to offer a tremendous amount of benefits as a transport attachment.”
01:05:40 – Tony Hellard asks “When producing an army list, what is your first criteria that you look for?”
01:09:50 – Chris Bo asks “From which “Men-only“ nightclub did you steal that poster?”

01:10:40 – Luke Daley asks “Do you think Swedes in TY will be a good army if they’re ever done by BF? I personally think they will be quite defensive but will lack quality in certain areas (lack of AA, poor choice in artillery, no dedicated attack helicopters). Mediocre infantry and nice sneaky-but-vulnerable tanks.”

01:13:00 – William White asks “Kangaroos, yes or no?”
Military Operation or…
01:16:00 – Duncan brings us another round of “Military Operation or…” as he plays ringmaster and pits Eddie vs Lee in a fight to the death mildly inconvenienced. Sadly Lee’s murky’s past lends him an advantage…
Shoot and Scoot
01:28:00 – Its time to work out our skill level and aim to shoot and scoot! Plus hidden track!