Its time for another episode of Shoot and Scoot as Duncan, Eddie and Lee sit down to discuss the new Team Yankee release “Oil War”, including questions from our listeners on the book. We also discuss what we have been up to and the upcoming events, including one down under!
We even kept it under two hours!
As always , you can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below.
Time Stamps
What we have been up to
00:00:00 – Intro and Fez’s master plan to get revenge on Hammy and Battlefield Hobbies
00:02:30 – Duncan and fez’s game – Stabilisers should be banned under the Geneva convention.
00:08:00 – Lee’s Soviet painting. Heroes, Valentines and whether to star or not

Oil Wars
00:13:00 – Oil War – How the background fits in with Team Yankee, plus how the real Iran Iraq war is covered.
00:21:00 – Iraq – Warsaw Pact with French seasoning and a solution to the crippling shortage of Milan missiles in the game.
00:35:00 – Syria – Israel’s punch bag!
00:38:30 – Iran so far away – cheap chieftains and massed militia.
1:01:00 – I did do timestamps. Soviets make a surprise appearance. No one expects the Soviet Red Army!
1:02:00 – Israel, at last. Its on the front cover for a reason! Plus, having practised all day, I fluff pronouncing Merkava. I blame William White for making me look it up.
1:27:00 – Duncan asks the pertinent question – what would we choose to field from the book.
1:34:00 – Listeners Questions – Insurgencies, parking lots, Americans and how differently will they all play

1:42:45 – Fez rounds up all the Events we have been told about – including one from the land of Oz! Plus, don’t forget…

1:45:00 – We remember to talk about Fez SU-152 force and playing more than 100pts to get some premier forces on the table top.
1:53:00 – It’s time to Shoot and Scoot! Will we pass? Will Fez stay alive to do the conclusion? Find out!