Hello All
We are back with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, on Soundcloud, the podcast is now on iTunes, so why not subscribe so you don’t miss an episode.
In Episode 4 we join Ben, Duncan, Lee and Fez as they chat about Flames of War, Team Yankee and more.
In this episode the guys chat about the recent what they have been up to, Eastern Front and some up coming events they are going too.
You can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud here, subscribe on iTunes or use the embedded audio below.
00:00:00 – intros, commiserations and what’s coming up
00:03:00 – What the team have been up to. Lee talks 40pt Team Yankee (with thanks to ‘other Lee’ Lee Long), Fez talks Pacific, Duncan talks about how many IS-3 actually comes in a box and Ben talks Naval Infantry and tiny head swaps.
00:13:52 – Duncan and Fez discuss theier recent 88pt MW game as Fez’ Tank Destroyers take on Dunca’s 90th Leichte Division pioneers
00:20:00 Fez talks about his first Fate of a Nation game and finds out why the Energa anti-tank rifle grenade needs to be respected!
00:42:00 – Fate of Four Gamers catch-up. The chaps talk about paint variation, making Mirage noises, Duncan’s IS-3 woes and why German kit turns up in Syria

01:18:00 – Eastern Front. Off the back of the last podcast’s interview with Mike Haught, the chaps talk about what they are looking forward to in Eastern Front. Assault Pioneers, KV-8 flame thrower tanks and looted tanks (looking at you Duncan) are all discussed.
02:27:00 – Events. The team discuss Entoyment’s late war 1550 tournament, TO perks, health and safety warnings on terrain, and Warfare! at Reading.
02:25:00 – Time to Scoot. What will be the skill rating this time!
Thanks for listening!