Minefields in v4 are quite different from v3. They are no longer rectangular 20cm x 5cm, but instead marked with a 2cm wide token and anywhere within 5cm of that token is the minefield. This requires that you constantly measure to determine if you are in- or out-side the minefield. Some players, including me, find that a little annoying and also less pleasing to the eye, than a piece of terrain.
V4 Minefield token V3 Minefield
A lot of players are using CD’s to mark the minefields, as they have the precise size required and offer a firm base for modelling. My only problem with using CD’s are that they unable to follow the contours of the terrain they are placed on, so will look awkward when placed on a hill or across roads. I decided to try making some easy to do, home made flexible minefields. Below is a step by step tutorial on how I did them.
Step 1
Start with a piece of baking-paper and draw the outline of the minefields. I use a CD as template as they have the right size and are accessible in most places. Use a marker so the line will be visible when the paper gets covered in the step 3.
Step 2
Go to your local building-store and by a tube of builders-caulk that is paintable (don’t by silicone based products) and a dark-brown paint. I got a sample of wall paint for $3. Then mix it together to get a nice brown colour. This is done to prevent any scratches or damages to the finished minefields to shine bright white.
Step 3

Spread the paste/caulk out on the baking-paper, so that it covers the already made markings.
Step 4

While the caulk is still wet, you can add some sand and grit to the minefields to add texture.
Step 5

Leave them to dry overnight. When completely dry, you can cut out the minefields with a pair of scissors following the lines you drew in step 1. Next I covered the minefields with my base colour, in my case the brown paint from previously.
Step 6
Now I drybrushed the minefields with increasingly lighter shades of brown. I also painted the stones in a grey colour to add a little contrast.

Step 7 – Optional

If you want your minefields to stand out clearly from the rest of the table, you can add a red line on the edge of it.
Step 8

Add thinned down PVA glue and add your grass of choice and a coupple of tuffs and leave it to dry.

Now all that is left to do, is get some games in, where minefields are needed. You can paint them to fit into any area of conflict, from the Russian steppes to the North African desert and all in between.

You can be sure that they will hug your terrain like no CD would ever do.
I hope you got some ideas, so have fun and leave a comment below if you have any questions.
Nice job. Thanks for sharing, Soren!
Thanks Bash On. I hope you could use some of it.
Those are beautifully done! I actually prefer the tokens over CD-sized circles or the old rectangles, as tokens allow for the placement of mine-fields in areas like building interiors, next to walls, on bridges, in rough terrain, etc; although these flexible circles do make this a little better. Although the use of the circles does remove any ambiguity, I don’t mind occasionally measuring 2″. Measuring is such an integral part of the game anyway. In any case, I find it rarely comes up, as people tend to either avoid the mine-fields entirely or move directly into them to try to remove them. To make the tokens more visually appealing, I’ve made up miniature terrain tokens on washers (the same size as the official tokens) with a little sign that says “Achtung Minen”. I’d post a pic, but I don’t think I can here.
That sounds awesome. Maybe you can post a photo on the breakthroughassault Facebook page? I would really like to see them.
Great idea, prefer the rectangles myself as minefields not,ally go with wire for channelling the enemy.
Thanks Matthew. I actually grown to like the v4 minefields.
Awesome. Thanks, I will be making some this weekend. I have a new tube of cheap caulk already. Do you peel the paper off the back or is it part of the finished minefield? If you leave it, why not use copier paper instead of kitchen parchment?
Walmart has 2 ounce bottles of acrylic craft paint a lot cheaper than $3; last time I bought some it was 54¢ but it might have gone up. (everything else has gone up so why not craft paint) Michaels has a better selection of colors but it’s about $1.50 there. HTH
Hi RobertB, Glad to hear you will be giving it a go. I peel of the paper for maximum flex and look, but you could just leave it on. Good luck on your project.