TAURUS PURSUANT Pt.1: 11th Armoured Division in Normandy 24th May 202322nd May 2023Lee 4 Since we received the Bulge British PDF I’ve been trying to write an article on fielding the British 11th Armoured Division and each [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 93 – The one where we have more tanks than Putin 15th May 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
After Action Report – Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh 10th May 20233rd May 2023martin turner Today we have an AAR on a recent game played by Martin and Duncan to try out some of Duncan’s newly painted Hungarians [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster; Hungry, Hungry Hungarians – Part 2 8th May 20233rd May 2023Duncan Gosling 1 Previously on Musings of a Hobby Hipster… We looked at creating a Mid-War Hungarian list that could take on all comers, Case Blue, [...]
The Last Panzers – Berlin Germans Panzer Formation’s 3rd May 202327th April 2023Lee 2 Guest Writer Lexi Valkria takes a look at the new Berlin German book’s Panzer formations. Berlin German is finally upon us and with [...]
Second Steps, How to Grow Your Starter Sets – Enemy at the Gates: Hero Rifle Battalion 24th April 202312th April 2023Lee 1 Let’s do the time warp again! Welcome back to Seconds Steps where I show you how to take army deal boxes to tournaments [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster; 1001 Nights Volume V4 17th April 202312th April 2023Duncan Gosling 4 When the wind’s from the EastAnd the sun’s from the WestAnd the sand in the glass is rightCome on down, stop on byHop [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 91 – The One Where We Go Full ‘Kony’ Over Berlin 7th April 202315th May 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster; Vae Victis 27th March 20231st April 2023Duncan Gosling 10 “Take care that none of them escapes” “The Deeds of Charlemagne” – Notker the Stammerer Berlin, Germany. 24th April 1945. Around 330 exhausted [...]
Flames of War – Berlin Germany Review 23rd March 202323rd March 2023Fred Oz 12 Hello there boys and girls, Fred here, looking at a good dive into the new book for Late War, Berlin German. I will [...]