Team Yankee Mobile Offensive – More Fighting from the Front! 8th August 20184th August 2018Mark Goddard 4 Today Lee Long brings us more news from the 40pt stage of the Mobile Offensive escalation league. My plucky little US force was [...]
Team Yankee Mobile Offensive! – First Game 9th July 20186th July 2018Mark Goddard 5 Following on from talking about playing with tanks a bit more, here’s the first of our games. The Forces My forces were fielded [...]
Review – M548 Tracked Cargo Carrier by S&S Models 11th April 201811th April 2018Lee 3 S & S Models, a 20mm manufacturer making the move into 15mm via conversion kits (such as the T-55 engineering vehicle) sent a [...]
Fun with Friends Pt.2 – The American Abroad 7th February 20184th February 2018Lee 2 In the last article, I looked at using West German and British forces to support a US based force. Since writing that article, [...]
…and the Kitchen sink – stowage, Team Yankee style 24th January 201812th September 2021Lee 3 If there’s one thing I like about making tiny models of tanks its piling on the stowage. There’s something about a tank covered [...]
Big (Bustle) Racks – Building the IPM1 15th January 201815th January 2018Lee 2 Today Lee takes a look at building a slightly more accurate Improved Performance M1 (or IPM1) “Gee Lee, this seems like a fairly [...]
The year that was, the year that will be 8th January 20187th January 2018Lee Today, the Breakthrough Assault team look at the highlights from 2017 and what we are looking forward to in 2018. Over the next [...]
Review – Battlefront M60A1/3 Patton Main Battle Tank 18th December 201716th December 2017Lee Today, Lee takes a look at the latest Stripes release, the M60 kit (part of the “Ryan’s Leatherneck’s” boxset). Like Mark, I picked [...]
Stripes: HUMMWV 13th December 201712th December 2017Mark Goddard Today Mark takes a look at the new HMMWV models from Stripes. Small but perfectly formed The High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV [...]
Heavy Metal – The evolution of the US MBT 11th December 201711th December 2017Lee 2 Today Lee looks at the evolution of the US MBT from immediately post WWII to the IPM1 in Stripes Introduction Stripes continues a [...]