Musings of a Hobby Hipster; Bring on the Boyevaya Mashina Desanta 20th February 202314th February 2023Duncan Gosling 1 Whilst others might be excited for the Cubans to hit the south-western continental US, or VDV to occupy the Wonalds in Colorado, or [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 86 – The One Where Santa has come 30th December 202230th December 2022Fez 1 Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with a bumper end of year episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 85 – The One Where We Listen To The Patreons 27th December 2022Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
The Mysteries of Soviet Green, er, Camo (part 2) 21st December 202226th November 2022Lee 3 Photo of the Malyshev Factory (Formerly known as the Kharkov Locomotive Factory) located in Kharkiv Ukraine.Internet wargaming multi-media blogger Lexi Valkyrie embraces the [...]
Second Steps, How to Grow Your Starter Sets: BMD Air Assault Battalion 7th December 202226th November 2022Lee Welcome back to Seconds Steps, this time we are looking at the newest starter army for Team Yankee. As a Soviet/Warsaw Pact player [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 84 – The One Where We Are In Delayed Reserves (Red Dawn book review) 27th November 2022Fez 3 Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss our [...]
Wake Up Call – An overview of “Red Dawn: The invasion of America” 9th November 20228th November 2022Lee 12 Today Lee takes a look at the new WW3: Team Yankee book, “Red Dawn: The Invasion of America.” The WW3 Team Yankee setting [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 75 – The one where we are Bulging for Germans 29th May 202229th May 2022Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to talk about [...]
Shoot and Scoot Episode 74 – The one where we are waiting for Bulging Germans 24th May 202224th May 2022Lee Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to talk about [...]
Survival of the Fitter-est. Painting the SU-17/22 11th May 20223rd May 2022Lee 1 Battlefront were kind enough to send me a couple boxes of the new SU-17/22 Fitter kit for WWIII: Warsaw Pact. Let’s take a [...]