“Sun, Sand and SMG’s”; an AAR 20th May 201914th May 2019martin turner Martin, after realising it wasn’t a day out to the seaside, took his Avanti Italians to Guildford to participate in the latest gaming [...]
A Hat Full of Feathers 11th February 201910th February 2019martin turner 2 How I went about starting collecting a mid war Italian Force I always wanted to collect an Italian army ever since I first [...]
Avanti -Infantry Painting Guide 4th April 201830th March 2018Mark Goddard 1 Mark walks us through how he paints the new Italian infantry. Painting Following on from my article last week into the Italian/German combo [...]
Avanti – Deeper dive 26th March 201826th March 2018Mark Goddard 4 Mark takes a further look at Avanti force and their combination with the Germans. So it begins A while ago when we were [...]
Avanti Command Cards – Reveal 12th February 201811th February 2018Mark Goddard 1 Today Mark takes a look at the newest Command Card deck for the Italians forces of Avanti What to expect Battlefront have kindly [...]