UK Nationals – My weekend 11th October 202311th October 2023martin turner 2 Today Martin brings us not 1 but effectively 5 After Action Reports! Well, I’m back home from the war, at least from the [...]
After Action Report – Voronezh 21st June 202317th June 2023martin turner Following on from recreating an action from the Soviet Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh operation Martin and Duncan take us back in time a little further to [...]
Ghost Hunting! 6th April 202231st March 2022martin turner 2 Today Martin brings us a MW AAR from the Eastern Front featuring Panzer Regiment 11, based on when they took to the Steppes as part [...]
Canadian Armour vs German Pioneers in MW 1st June 201628th May 2016Mark Goddard 2 Greetings FOW fans, today I shall regaling you with a tale of my game last Saturday against John Smith. We decided to try [...]