Modelling the Breach! 4th May 20204th May 2020martin turner 4 Following on from Mark’s two articles on the British Breaching Group Martin gives us a look at collecting, modelling and painting a breaching [...]
Breaching the Line 26th February 202026th February 2020Mark Goddard 4 Four years ago our nation and empire stood alone against an overwhelming enemy, with our backs to the wall. Now once more a supreme [...]
21st Panzer Divison – Building a better list 18th December 201916th December 2019Mark Goddard 5 It’s been a while since I last did one of my ‘better list’ series but the 21st Panzer Div seems ripe for the [...]
D-Day Germans: The Thin Green Grey Line 26th August 201928th August 2019Mark Goddard 1 Better too much spade work than too little! This work saves blood. Erwin Rommel Today we continue out coverage of the New D-Day [...]
Bands of Brothers – US Airborne in FOW 3rd July 201930th June 2019Mark Goddard 4 I am an Airborne trooper! I jump by parachute from any plane in flight. I volunteered to do it, knowing full well the [...]