Buying Time – Berlin Soviet AAR 22nd February 202314th February 2023martin turner 7 Martin back with the promised AAR on the new Buying Time scenario from Berlin-Soviet. This scenario is something decidedly different. Not only does [...]
(Mission) Matrix Reloaded 3rd April 20213rd April 2021Mark Goddard While some people were a little cagey in case it was a April Fools joke, Battlefront have in fact released a brand new [...]
Wolf, Goat, Cabbage! Bagration – River Assault Mission Terrain Pack (FW266A) 3rd February 20213rd February 2021martin turner Today Martin takes a look at the Bagration: River Assault Mission Terrain pack and building a Soviet force for it. Much of the [...]
Speed, Aggression, Surprise – Offensive Action in MW 23rd May 201824th May 2018Mark Goddard 3 Today Mark G looks at a recent game Vs Mark N to highlight the need for offensive action in V4. Its all about [...]
The Fog of War – A new dynamic mission. 23rd May 201719th May 2017Mark Goddard 3 Today Mark takes a look at the new Fog of War mission and its accompanying mission cards. The Fog of War Flames of [...]