Finally Finnished 15th December 202114th December 2021martin turner 3 This is the last instalment of my odyssey of collecting, building and playing with my Finnish. I have now completed buying, building, painting [...]
To The Finnish – Part 5 Finnish Finished? 29th September 202126th September 2021martin turner 1 Well its been three months since my first article about collecting and painting a Finnish force for Flames of War and I’m glad [...]
To The Finnish – Part 3 Painting Infantry 26th July 202115th July 2021martin turner Today I’m going to show you how I am painting the Rifle Infantry for my Finnish Force. As I have over 60 teams [...]
Adventures with a Battery Powered Airbrush! 19th July 202114th July 2021martin turner For those following my progress on my Finnish Infantry you may remember a new piece of kit I mentioned in my first article; [...]
Ruining your painting 18th November 202018th November 2020Mark Goddard 2 Today I follow on from my recent article on the Battlefront plastic ruins. These are the new product designed to make games of [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Painting Soviet Artillery 27th May 202025th May 2020Mark Goddard 1 Today Mark takes us step by step through painting Soviet artillery, with the plastic 152mm artillery battery which he picked up with Battlefront’s [...]
Modelling the Breach! 4th May 20204th May 2020martin turner 4 Following on from Mark’s two articles on the British Breaching Group Martin gives us a look at collecting, modelling and painting a breaching [...]
Contrast and Compare 15th July 201924th November 2020Mark Goddard 1 Recently Games Workshop released a new range of paints; Citadel Contrast. Primarily aimed at their fantasy and sci-fi range, a lot of people [...]
Building and Painting a Soviet Rifle Company (SBX50) 13th March 201910th March 2019martin turner The Soviet Rifle Company is a sight to behold on the table top but is a daunting prospect for a even an experienced [...]
Late War US Armour Painting Guide 29th October 201824th October 2018Mark Goddard “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent [...]