Faces Bases: Cookie Chip – Ice Cream Flavour or Camo? 5th February 202527th January 2025Lee Comment Lee takes a look at painting US Infantry in Desert Battle Dress Uniform. Desert Battle Dress Uniform is one of those of “signature” [...]
Building a Gaming Table, Berlin 1945. 24th April 202421st April 2024Soren Petersen 4 Painting models and building lists is only a part of the wonderful wargaming hobby we share. Another aspect is the making of suitable [...]
FN MAG Met Friets – Belgian 1st Corp in WW3:Team Yankee 22nd November 202320th October 2023Lee 2 The introduction of the the Belgians in WW3: NATO Forces finally completes the NORTHAG set to face off versus 3rd Shock Army. But [...]
The CAST Offs – Canadians Fighting in Norway in WWIII:Team Yankee 20th November 202314th November 2023Lee 1 Today chief archivist of the “Shoot and Scoot” podcast, Darren “not actually a hitman” Hart, takes a look at fielding a more-forgotten part [...]
Steely Eyed Missile Mountie – Designing a Canadian mechanised list. 8th November 202320th October 2023Andy Thompson 7 A strange and wonderful thing happened recently; I actually managed to play a game of Team Yankee. I can’t remember the last time [...]
“Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?” – ANZAC List Building in WW3:Team Yankee 1st November 20232nd November 2023Lee 3 Lee takes a look at the ANZACs in NATO Forces and ponders a list. So, long term listeners to the Podcast will know [...]
Centurions Assemble! Parts and Assembly Guide for the new Centurion kit 25th October 202320th October 2023Lee 2 I recently did an unboxing video for the new Centurion kit from Battlefront and one of the things I noticed was that there [...]
Nato Forces – Vive la France! 25th September 202319th September 2023martin turner 6 Well Battlefront have kindly sent us the latest release pdf of NATO Forces WW3 Team Yankee and some of you may remember I [...]
BOOOM. Painting explosions/destroyed tokens. 13th March 202328th February 2023Soren Petersen Hello, wargamers. Today I will take a look at how to paint up some tokens for marking which tanks have been destroyed in [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster; Bring on the Boyevaya Mashina Desanta 20th February 202314th February 2023Duncan Gosling 1 Whilst others might be excited for the Cubans to hit the south-western continental US, or VDV to occupy the Wonalds in Colorado, or [...]