Crunching the Numbers, ETC 2022 5th September 20225th September 2022Soren Petersen 20 Not only is ETC the biggest Flames of war event every year, it is also one of events that gathers the most data [...]
ETC – Business or Pleasure? 5th September 202211th September 2022Soren Petersen So what is this all about, this European Team Championship(ETC)? Is it a cutthroat tournament, where there is no place for fun and [...]
To Base or Not To Base; is that a Question? 15th August 202215th August 2022Soren Petersen 10 Not many things in the wargaming realm of Flames of War are so “for or against” as basing your tanks and vehicles. Either [...]
Going to Church 2nd May 20221st May 2022Soren Petersen 6 The fighting in Italy, around Monte Cassino, in 1944 have always had my special interest. The stubborn defence by the green devils from [...]
Debriefing on the Red Wall on the Emerald isle. 30th March 202230th March 2022Soren Petersen 11 Back home in Iceland, after a wonderful trip to Northern Ireland, it’s time to evaluate the list I presented in my previous article, [...]
Red Wall on the Emerald Isle 16th March 202215th March 2022Soren Petersen 6 One of the greatest pleasures I find in wargaming is meeting like minded people from around the world, coming together having fun and [...]
Building a Bagration Battlefield for Bonesteel 31st January 202231st January 2022Soren Petersen 6 Polar Bear 6 occurred last week in Iceland and Søren explains how he built one of the tables for the tournament. Painting and [...]
Fases, Bases, Something, Something: Nose Job, Painting P47 Thunderbolts. 20th October 202119th October 2024Soren Petersen 2 The idea In my process of getting my Warfare2021 army painted and ready, I have come to the P-47 Thunderbolts. So how to [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases for North Africa 23rd August 202115th August 2021Soren Petersen 3 Desert basing with a twist. As you might have figured out by now, I like to put a little extra into my models [...]
Table Bling, Custom Objectives 28th June 202128th June 2021Soren Petersen 10 Since #bringthepanther in February, my painting mojo has been on a low. Covid has slowed down gaming to a minimum and, with the [...]