Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Quick and Easy Cobblestone Roads 21st April 20218th April 2021Soren Petersen 4 As promised in a previous article I am back with a tutorial on how you can make your own cobblestone roads to add [...]
Bringing Back the Panther 7th April 202123rd March 2021Soren Petersen 10 With three German books out for LW and German Bagration coming around the corner, I tried to see if the FoW community had [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: DIY Flexible Dirt Roads 27th January 202127th January 2021Soren Petersen 6 One of the many things that make our hobby so much fun is all the possibilities for letting your creativity run loose. I [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases before faces 16th November 202010th November 2020Soren Petersen 6 When building a new force for Flames of War, I like to put in some effort to make it look as good as [...]
List construction in Version 4; Support, Formation and Cards oh my! 12th October 202012th October 2020Soren Petersen 14 With new books being released from Battlefront in a steady stream and Late War rapidly expanding, the possibilities in how you build your [...]
Dressing up a Sherman 26th August 202026th August 2020Soren Petersen 6 An easy way to use greenstuff to make you tanks unique First up, let me just say that I really like Battlefront’s plastic [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: DIY Flexible Minefields 8th July 20208th July 2020Soren Petersen 8 Minefields in v4 are quite different from v3. They are no longer rectangular 20cm x 5cm, but instead marked with a 2cm wide [...]
Fighting the Beast 1st June 202031st May 2020Soren Petersen 6 After Mark gave us his thoughts on fielding the IS-2 in Flames of War, new writer Søren Peterson gives his ideas on facing [...]