Flames of Legion – An interlude to FoW Season 2024-2025 (Part 1) 30th October 202428th October 2024Fred Oz Hello Readers, Fred here. Today we propose a special episode. At BTA we love to write about Flames of War and anything related [...]
Project 716 – Round Up 17th October 2024martin turner Martin back with a final look at my D-Day 80th Anniversary project to build 716 Infantrie Division. Its been a long and at [...]
Echos of El Alamein – Uncle Sam Went to War 9th October 20249th October 2024martin turner Martin back today with a follow up on how my Mid War Americans fared at the recent Echo’s of El Alamein event at [...]
Jumping in the deep end, resin water on flames of war bases 2nd October 2024Soren Petersen 4 Today I am going to go through the process of using a resin water product on some flames of war bases that I [...]
Leviathan Wakes – An Overview of Late War Leviathans 25th September 20243rd October 2024Lee 10 Lee takes a look at the new Late War Leviathans book. Yes. Lee. 1946. Operation Unthinkable. Team Yankee – Really Early War. Late [...]
Battleground 1940:Blitzkreig Kickstarter Preview 25th September 2024Mark Goddard 1 Overview: Henry Turner recently contacted us to see if we would like an early look at his upcoming EW 3D print kickstarter. We [...]
White Cross Over Red Flag : Debriefing ETC (Season 2023-2024) – Part 1 4th September 20246th September 2024Fred Oz 2 Hello there, boys and girls, Fred here, closing my 2023-2024 FoW Season. As per every ending, this 4th quarter finishes strong with the ETC, [...]
Young blood: from V3 to Scottish Nationals 28th August 202428th August 2024lucas 3 This story starts at the end. In May of this year I was lucky enough to play at the new and improved Scottish [...]
Echos of El Alamein – Uncle Sam finally goes to war! 21st August 202419th August 2024martin turner 3 Martin back after my summer rest and I’m off to Table Top Republic to play in a 1 day Midwar event focussed on [...]
ETC – AAR – Mark 14th August 202422nd August 2024Mark Goddard As the dust settles on another ETC, it is time to look back over my 6 games played in not so sunny Poland. [...]