Net-working – Modelling WW2 British Camo Nets 12th December 202226th November 2022Lee 3 Since the release of Bulge British, I’ve been working on a Comet force for 3RTR as it raced to the Baltic coast. Part [...]
Road Works 24th October 2022Mark Goddard A good network of roads is vital to many wargaming tables. Not only does it allow you rapidly move around the board but [...]
To Base or Not To Base; is that a Question? 15th August 202215th August 2022Soren Petersen 10 Not many things in the wargaming realm of Flames of War are so “for or against” as basing your tanks and vehicles. Either [...]
Musings of a Hobby Hipster: Here Comes the Hot Schlepper 8th August 20222nd August 2022Duncan Gosling 4 Nah, na-na-na-nahNa-na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-naNa-na-na-nahNah, na-na-na-nahNa-na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-naNa-na-na-nah Here comes the hot schlepper (carrier) It’s a munition schlepper (carrier)It’s got crew in the area (carrier) Still [...]
Survival of the Fitter-est. Painting the SU-17/22 11th May 20223rd May 2022Lee 1 Battlefront were kind enough to send me a couple boxes of the new SU-17/22 Fitter kit for WWIII: Warsaw Pact. Let’s take a [...]
Going to Church 2nd May 20221st May 2022Soren Petersen 6 The fighting in Italy, around Monte Cassino, in 1944 have always had my special interest. The stubborn defence by the green devils from [...]
Vitamin (T-72)B1 – Painting East German T-72B 27th April 202227th April 2022Lee 1 Recently I have been writing a fair bit on the new T-72B1, including a plan on how to slot it into my existing [...]
Part 2 – Reinforcements 20th April 202218th April 2022Lee 4 Back in March I discussed my plans for using the contents of two Tobruk boxes to form a Tunisia-era force. Having made that [...]
Scenic Winter Basing 28th March 202220th March 2022Mark Goddard 1 Greetings all, today I will be taking you through how I made my recent Bulge Scenic bases, themed around deep snow. Here are [...]
Part Two – Supporting the Support 19th January 202216th January 2022Lee 7 Lee continues his preparations for DAK! DAK Goes Forth! The mid-war “Afrika” tournament in Brighton UK on February 19th/20th. See the end of [...]