Part Two – Supporting the Support 19th January 202216th January 2022Lee 7 Lee continues his preparations for DAK! DAK Goes Forth! The mid-war “Afrika” tournament in Brighton UK on February 19th/20th. See the end of [...]
Contrast and Compare: Romanian Infantry 15th November 202111th November 2021Mark Goddard 1 This is our 1500th article! Woot! – Lee Greetings all, Mark G here with another installment of my continuing adventures with Citadel Contrast [...]
MW Romanian Infantry List building 25th October 202125th October 2021Andy Thompson 1 I won’t lie, this is an article I’m trying to get rushed out. I’m allowed to talk about the new Mid War Romanian [...]
Fases, Bases, Something, Something: Nose Job, Painting P47 Thunderbolts. 20th October 202119th October 2024Soren Petersen 2 The idea In my process of getting my Warfare2021 army painted and ready, I have come to the P-47 Thunderbolts. So how to [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 21 – M10C; The C is for Carnage 27th September 202126th September 2021Lee July wasn’t the most productive for painting so August was going to have to pick up the slack. I needed to get the [...]
To the Finnish – Part 4 Sturmi Support 1st September 202128th August 2021martin turner 1 With my infantry progressing towards completion this month I’ve turned my attention to getting my support units organised. I decided I would tackle [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 20 – Carry on Carriers 30th August 202128th August 2021Lee As mentioned last episode, the aim for the month of July was to paint up some Carriers and some M10C, giving the already [...]
Faces, Bases, Something, Something: Bases for North Africa 23rd August 202115th August 2021Soren Petersen 3 Desert basing with a twist. As you might have figured out by now, I like to put a little extra into my models [...]
To The Finnish – Part 3 Painting Infantry 26th July 202115th July 2021martin turner Today I’m going to show you how I am painting the Rifle Infantry for my Finnish Force. As I have over 60 teams [...]
Escalating Tensions Part 19 – Battledress Breakdown 21st July 202119th July 2021Lee I set myself the challenge of painting the whole box in a month and then, because that didn’t seem like a big enough [...]