Animus in consulendo liber – An Overview of NATO Forces 15th September 202314th September 2023Lee 14 Animus in consulendo liber (Latin: “A mind unfettered in deliberation”) Roman historian Sallust You wait ages for a WW3:Team Yankee book and then two [...]
Micro Art Studios 15mm Buildings. 30th August 202327th August 2023Mark Goddard The team at Micro Art Studios recently got in touch to ask if we would like to do a article on their new [...]
Hull down! Or how to maximise the Ram/Sexton Kit 23rd August 202327th August 2023Lee Lee takes a look at making the Ram/Sexton kit swappable to maximise the bang for the Canadian buck of the kit. When the [...]
Our friends in the North; list building with Nordic Forces 7th August 20231st August 2023Lee 2 Since getting the Nordic Forces book I’ve been pondering potential lists to pick up and put on the table., scribbling up three possibilities; [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 95 – The One Where Mike Everest never ages… 16th July 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Nordic Giants – An overview of the Nordic Forces book 6th July 202326th June 2023Lee 8 Nordic Forces is here to finally open the Northern Front so let’s take a look inside and see what the book brings. After [...]
The Last Panzers – Berlin Germans Panzer Formation’s 3rd May 202327th April 2023Lee 2 Guest Writer Lexi Valkria takes a look at the new Berlin German book’s Panzer formations. Berlin German is finally upon us and with [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 92 – The One Where We Are Commanding School Kids Into Battle 23rd April 202323rd April 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Shoot and Scoot, Episode 91 – The One Where We Go Full ‘Kony’ Over Berlin 7th April 202315th May 2023Fez Duncan, Eddie and Lee return with another episode of Shoot and Scoot, the Flames of War and Team Yankee podcast, to discuss what [...]
Printable Battle Box 5th April 20234th April 2023Mark Goddard Michał Maciejewski graciously provided us with preview files for his Flames of War Battle Box! (This an updated version one to the previous [...]